Series 1-What Comes Around Goes Around

The humble beginnings of the crime fighting, hired vigilante code-named "The Claw," founded by the company Intellect Defense. Background of the company, founders, and The Claw’s supporting characters. Establishment of the environment known as "Cycle City."

Also introduce "The Claw's" most dangerous nemesis, "Mind Wipe."

Introduction of the powerful crime lord known as Crime Shark and foreshadowing the secretive underground science lab "BioMech."

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Friday, June 25, 2010

The Claw-Prototype

Real name: Todd Ticket
Affiliation: The Claw and Intellect Defense
Calm, publicly shy, determinded, stumbles over words, likable, funny, good-natured, kind, but unlucky with girls.
Steel-worker turned gymnast, strong, agile, brave, unafraid of heights, quick-thinking/reflexes, and persistant.



Unit includes various filtering/analyzing/sensory-boosting/scanning equipment.
External speakers and internal functions are all voice activated.

Preferred Strike:

A young, 3rd generation steel worker who’d lost his wife to a lab accident and blames the newly established science companies for his problems. He believes the accident was cause by a mysteriously masked winged crusader, donned with various blades and wearing a blue outfit and red cape (Death Watch).

When he lost his job decided to take his frustrations and anger out on one of the scientific companies that put his company out of business. To make a statement, he drove his car randomly through the front lobby of one of the many scientific companies in the city. Strong from years of steel work he was barely stopped. Fortunately , it was Prof. Carter’s Intellect Defense company.
Prof. Carter listened to his side of the story before turning him over to the police. His story touched his
heart and instigated him to action. Prof. Carter’s also believed that the science companies should give
back to the community for putting the varying local steel companies out of business. Prof. Carter created a strong connection with the chief of police Random Bishop as they tried to find ways to help solve the crime problem but they could only do so much. They eventually realized they needed extra help… under the table.
Prof. Carter dropped the charges against Todd and with Random Bishop’s help they sprung him from prison on the condition that he would work for them. But the job description was to be listed as top secret and he becomes one of their ‘under the table’ employees: The Claw – a vigilante designed to support the over-taxed law enforcement agencies with the increase in crime due to the massive layoffs.
Given his previous background, Todd agrees… with the secret motivation to find the source of his wife’s super villain killer!

Little does he know his biggest challenge is coming at him-from the skies and deep in space!

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