Series 1-What Comes Around Goes Around

The humble beginnings of the crime fighting, hired vigilante code-named "The Claw," founded by the company Intellect Defense. Background of the company, founders, and The Claw’s supporting characters. Establishment of the environment known as "Cycle City."

Also introduce "The Claw's" most dangerous nemesis, "Mind Wipe."

Introduction of the powerful crime lord known as Crime Shark and foreshadowing the secretive underground science lab "BioMech."

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Police Chief Captain Random Bishop-Soon to be known as Bondman

Real name: Police Chief Random Bishop
Affiliation: Cycle City, The Claw, and Intellect Defense
Temperament: Patient, street-smart, kind, determined, able to take control but also ask for/accept help, and providing.

Preferred Weapon: His police-issued .40 caliber pistol.

The current police chief of Cycle City, who believes in Ticket's mentor; that more than just police are needed to keep the people safe. Unsanctioned by the mayor, Bishop goes behind his back to supply information to Intellect Defense, supervise The Claw's actions in the field, and provide back-up if necessary.

Bishop's daughter, Carol, had the "Prowl" drug forced on her and is secretly receiving treatment from Intellect Defense.

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